The esthetic quality and integrity of every single implant is inarguably influenced by the peri-implant tissue shaping of the implant healing abutment itself. Having the ability to be able to make highly accurate personalized healing abutments in a matter of minutes using the latest CAD/CAM software is a great tool for implantologists to have.

The above picture and video shows how simple the process is to make a personalized healing abutment shaping block. This will take around 30 seconds for the software to compute and once the block is obtained, this allows for easy, precision filling of each mould to get the right healing abutment personalized for your patient’s unique situation and the implant you chose to place. With additional functionality for advanced customized abutment tools as well, this software really is at the cutting edge of implant healing abutment personalization. Learn more about Anatomic Profile Generator here