Morgan Advanced Ceramics have developed a method for injection moulding of zirconia abutments. At its injection moulding facility at Stourport in the UK, Morgan Advanced Ceramics is able to produce the highly complex geometries required for custom-designed dental abutments. It can produce these, and their associated retaining and jawbone screws, accurately, in volume and with a high degree of repeatability. Paul Manison, Project Manager, Morgan Advanced Ceramics explains: “The dental implant market is growing fast. We are working with a number of customers in this sector to help them achieve new, complex designs cost-effectively. Manufacturing tolerances on these CIM parts are typically in the range ¡Ó0.3% and we are producing large volumes – typically upwards of 2,000 pieces – faster, more cost-effectively and with better repeatability than could ever be achieved using CNC-machining.”